
Salesforce Chart Composer: Chart Dataset | Object Reference Guide

Chart Dataset

Last Updated on April 12, 2024 by “Talha Saqib”

This record of this object represents an individual dataset of a chart.

The dataset contains all the data, format, styling, and type of chart for the data. An individual Chart record can have multiple Chart Dataset records. A Chart record must have at least one Chart Dataset record.

API Name: Chart_Dataset__c

Table of Contents


Dataset NameNameAuto NumberThe name of the dataset record.
Dataset LabelDataset_Label__cTextThe label of the dataset that will be shown in the chartComponent.
ChartChart__cMaster-DetailThe lookup to Chart object. It represents the relationship between a chart and a dataset.
Chart TypeChart_Type__cPicklistThe type of Chart to render e.g. Pie, Bar, Line, etc.
Use Custom SOQLUse_Custom_SOQL__cCheckboxIf this is checked, then the user can write a custom SOQL query for the dataset.

When checked, the fields in the sections Data Source, Filters, and Styling will be ignored.
Source ObjectSource_Object__cTextThis should contain the API name of the sObject, the records of which need to be shown in the chart.

For example: If Account records need to be shown in the chart, then this field value should be ‘Account’.
Source FieldSource_Field__cTextThis should contain the API name of the field, the values of which will be displayed in the chart.

This field represents the value of an individual record on the chart.

This field must be present in the mentioned Source Object.

Supported Field Types
Source LabelSource_Label__cTextThis should contain the API name of the field, the values of which will be displayed in the chart.

This field represents the label of an individual record on the chart.

This field must be present in the mentioned Source Object.

Supported Field Types
Earliest DateEarliest_Date__cDateOnce filled then only those records will be shown on the chart whose Created Date is more or equal to this value.
Latest DateLatest_Date__cDateOnce filled then only those records will be shown on the chart whose Created Date is less or equal to this value.
Records LimitRecords_Limit__cNumberLimits the number of records to display on the chart. The value must be present and should be between 0 and 50,000.
Filter RequirementsFilter_Requirements__cPicklistDecides the requirement of filters. For example, all filters should be true, or if any of the filters is true, or a custom logic.

This field only determines the logic for filters from the related list.

The fields in the filter section if filled will always be considered required.
Custom Filters LogicCustom_Filters_Logic__cText AreaDefines the custom filter requirement for the related Filters of the Dataset.

Sample Value: 1 AND 2 OR (3 AND 4)

While, 1, 2,3, and 4 are the Name fields of the Filter records.

If the Filter Requirements value is Custom, then this field must be filled.
Sort BySort_By__cTextThis should include the API name of the field by which the records should be sorted.

This field must be present in the mentioned Source Object.
Sort OrderSort_Order__cPicklistRepresents the sort order of the records on the chart. it can be either Ascending or Descending.
Border ColorBorder_Color__cTextAdds color to the border on the chart records. The value can be Hex, RGB, Color Name, etc.
Border WidthBorder_Width__cNumberAdds border to the chart records. The border may look different on different chart types.

Greater value represents a thicker border.
Background ColorBackground_Color__cTextAdds color to the chart records. The value can be Hex, RGB, Color Name, etc.

Related Object(s)

Following is the related object of the Chart Dataset object.

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Talha Saqib

About Author

As a Salesforce Certified Developer, Talha Saqib is an expert in designing and implementing custom Salesforce solutions that help businesses achieve their goals. With multiple years of experience in the Salesforce ecosystem, Talha has a deep understanding of the platform and is expert in Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, Experience Cloud, REST APIs, Aura and more.

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